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How To Select HVAC Chillers And Process Chillers?

The process of purchasing industrial chillers certainly requires a large number of samples to compare. Only through a large number of comparisons can the right machine be selected, especially when choosing between HVAC chillers and process chillers. In this article, we'll explain the differences between the two to help you choose the best option for your specific needs.

HVAC units generally stand for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and HVAC units are usually integrated with heating and cooling. HVAC chillers generally work in the mode of heating and cooling the air. This type of equipment is designed to regulate the ambient temperature within a specified area, and Pengqiang also makes this type of industrial air conditioner. HVAC, commonly referred to as air conditioning chillers, is ideal for commercial space cooling applications.

How To Select HVAC Chillers And Process Chillers

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The purpose of industrial chillers is to directly cool a specific industrial manufacturing chain. In addition to the many applications of chillers in industrial manufacturers, many tools we use in our daily lives rely on temperature control.From the cars we drive to the food and drinks we consume, the technological infrastructure we rely on daily, the goods in our homes, and even the medication or MRI scan we might need when we’re unwell, industrial chillers play a role at some point.

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The main difference between the two refrigeration machines is the way they deal with temperature.In HVAC machines used in comfort cooling scenarios, temperature changes tend to be fairly slow. However, in industrial settings, there are more fluctuations and temperature extremes. Industrial production is not static, so industrial chillers need to work harder and longer than in typical HVAC applications.

How To Select HVAC Chillers And Process Chillers

Pengqiang industrial chillers are more sensitive to temperature, and this design helps them effectively respond to these changing needs. The key components of industrial chillers, such as compressors, evaporators, and integrated pumps, are designed for industrial use to ensure that temperature changes are sensed at the first time. At the same time, industrial chillers also have greater thermal mass to cope with extreme fluctuations in return fluid. If you use a non-process chiller in an industrial application, its compressor will soon be unable to cope with this extreme environment and fail.

How To Select HVAC Chillers And Process Chillers

In China, HVAC chillers in air conditioning systems only need to run during the warmer months. Process chillers, on the other hand, typically run 24/7 on production lines with no downtime. If an air conditioning application fails, people will feel uncomfortable, but the impact is often not as far-reaching as if a critical process fails. For example, if cooling of a data server fails, access to online services such as banks, businesses and retailers will be affected, resulting in loss of sales, productivity and brand reputation.

How To Select HVAC Chillers And Process Chillers

HVAC chillers are relatively less expensive than industrial air conditioners because they are designed differently. Industrial chillers require more robust components. Industrial chillers are often described as “packaged chillers” because auxiliary equipment such as pumps and tanks are included. They also tend to have customization options, whether it’s non-ferrous water circuits or special paint finishes for corrosive or coastal environments. While the capital expenditure will be greater, the technical advantages, peace of mind, and energy savings provided by the process unit will far outweigh these.

Well, with the above introduction, I believe there is a very clear answer to the choice of HVAC or industrial chiller. You need, need what kind of cooling equipment depends on what you want to achieve. If you are looking for a cost-effective comfort cooling solution, then HVAC chillers should be fine. However, if your application involves process cooling, you need a unit made for this purpose.